E9’s Solution

Solving the Challenges of Green Hydrogen Production

Energy transition and decarbonizing requires lower-cost, zero emission Green Hydrogen production systems that are compatible with intermittent power sources (Renewables).  

Incumbent technologies are hampered by:

    • High energy consumption
    • High CAPEX/OPEX costs
    • Scaling difficulties
    • Dependence on scarce materials and overseas manufacturing

E9’s advanced technology offers a superior solution that is more efficient, compatible with renewables, and half the cost of conventional electrolyzers

    • Designed to run on renewable energy sources, with lower Capex and reduced Opex 
    • Produces green hydrogen without expensive catalyst metals, membranes, or high purity water using proprietary processes at ambient pressures and temperature, with zero emissions


    • Is a model of simplicity built with low-cost, earth- abundant materials, can be easily manufactured and serviced

Illustration Example; E9’s modular system design allows for rack-mounted core assemblies to meet each customer’s project requirements, stackable in single or multi-MW power configurations

E9 systems are optimized for renewable power sources, providing efficient energy storage and affordable green hydrogen with zero emissions.