E9’s Integrated Technology Platform:

Proprietary E9 Electrolyte+

E9’s technology platform is anchored by our breakthrough trade secret E9 electrolyte, enabling highly efficient, membrane-free electrolysis without toxic chemicals.

Scalable Modular System Design

The basic modular element of E9’s system is the electrolyzer core, several dozen cores are assembled into a cassette, customer needs are met by racking cassettes to production scale.

Unique Simplified Electrolyzer Design

E9’s unique hydrogen production system features a simplified electrolyzer core design, using only two commodity materials, that delivers up to 80% reduction in material stack cost compared to incumbent solutions.

Efficient, Low-cost Green H2 Production

E9’s modular production system provides flexibility in meeting customer needs at reduced capital cost, low thermal mass responds rapidly to renewable power fluctuations with little or no power conditioning, design and material simplicity delivers lower cost operation and maintenance.

E9 Product Advantages:


Lowest capital cost per Kilowatt in the industry


Compatible with intermittent power sources


Highly functional without purified water


Simplicity in manufacturing and service


Modular scalability accommodates project development without large Giga Factory investments

E9 modular hydrogen production system with gas storage (illustration example).

Comparative Advantages

Competing technologies require expensive materials, highly treated water, and complex service and maintenance, and do not operate well using intermittent (renewable) power supplies.  Investment in large, giga-factory scale manufacturing plants is necessary to reduce costs. 

By comparison, E9 Hydrogen eliminates these impediments with economical and scalable green hydrogen electrolysis without membranes – opening the path to affordable decarbonization:

Membrane-less electrolysis+
with lowest CAPEX

Simple component design and assembly for ease of manufacturing

Integrated technology platform that is economical and optimized for renewables

Efficient, green, non-toxic process delivers highly pure green hydrogen